Thursday 10 March 2011

Loser - Beck

Honestly, the best part of this song is the lyrics. They make absolutely no sense. At all. This can be seen in the line "spray paint the vegetables". Why spray paint the vegetables? Don't ask me. Oh, and another personal favorite: "meatloaf pantyhose". Listen closely if you want to find these lyrics.
There isn't any other particular reason why I like the song. I mean, the vocals are only so-so, and the instrumental parts aren't anything really special, but still, I really do love to listen to it. Somehow, it all comes together to make a good song.

Wonderwall by Oasis

I'm sure you all know Wonderwall by Oasis (if not, you should), but I still had to put it on here. Firstly, I can say it is a good song because it has a really great guitar part. And what I think might be a violin (or cello I guess... I'm not very aware when it comes to musical instruments) part. I'm a fan of really any orchestral part in a song.
Also, though the singer isn't all that talented, his voice suits the music and the mood. So even though he can't sing exceptionally well, I like how his voice complements the song. It's a little difficult to explain...

Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford and Sons

This is probably one of my all-time favorite Mumford & Sons (and I apologize in advance for reviewing to many songs by then. I'm an avid fan).
Most of the songs in the album, "Sigh No More" include some banjo - their trademark instrument of choice - but "Roll Away Your Stone" features the banjo more prominently than most of the other, which is one of the best characteristics of the song. Many seem to disagree with me, however...
This isn't related to the musical side of the song, however, this song features what I find very powerful lyrics. Not like "Oh, let's save the world and fight bullying" or anything, but I can really feel the emotion in the lyrics and also the great vocals of Marcus Mumford.
Also, Mumford & Sons songs are like mash-ups - there are so many different parts of the song that it feels like they just put two or three songs together. Now, is this a good thing? Yes - I love it.